Sunday, November 30, 2008


Started Crossfit again after a 2 week break. I was doing P90x with Rivas, but it did me no good. It's too repetitious. I like CF more.

My eating habits as of late have been HORRIBLE. I've been eating a lot of nasty junk and I can feel the effects of it when I work out. Like right now, I have the worst damned heartburn I've had in a while.

I stopped smoking again. I've been moody, as I expected, the last couple of days. It sucks. I want to smoke, but I know what will happen if I do. I'm going to stop drinking too. Had I not started again, I can only imagine how much better off I'd be. So no more drinking. It's bad for me. Does me no good, and my grades seem to suffer, as well as my motivation. Time to get back into my good habits again. Just need to fight the urge to get nasty.

Semper Fi,

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